Tuesday 12 May 2015

Evaluation Question 3

What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?

I think the type of institution that would distribute our film is one that both supports and likes to educate young teen or a company that simply just likes to entertain an audience. One of our films subliminal messages is that no matter what is stolen even if its "drugs" it shouldn't be otherwise "Karma" will strike. One of our characters where shot and it seems like the other two got away with a clean slate however little did they know "Karma" will strike them as well because they stole someone's life away. (Unfortunately we were unable to film that because our assignment only requires the opening).

Evaluation Question 4

Who would be the media audience for your media product?

The audience that our video is aimed at age 15+, the gender is preferably male and the race & location is to everyone everywhere. The reason why this film is aimed to this age is because this is the age where some teens are actually introduced to smoking and drugs.

Hopefully all say no to these substances however there is a percentage of them that do fall in to taking these tragic roots. The reason why its preferably aimed at males is because there are elements of action inside the film not that females don't enjoy action films as much as men do however in theory there is a larger percentage of men that are more interested in to action films whilst there is a larger percentage of women that are least interested in action films and like to watch and enjoy romantic films.


Evaluation Question 5

How did you attract/ address your audience?

The way we address our audience was to just show them straight up what goes on in this environment. I think we did this well by doing a close up on one of our props where we have a Rastafarian smoking a so called "spliff". This was used to quickly establish that this is smoked regularly in this environment and I think the stereo typing helped to pursue this image.

Wednesday 11 February 2015

Karma Survey

Film Proposel

Audience Identification

Audience identification


From my audience research I found out that there are certain audience groups that are attracted to certain films. This varies if the audience is a psychographic audience or a demographic audience.

A psychographic audience or also known as a media group audience is a group of people who are interested in films through the media. Gr

A demographic audience or also known as a social group audience is a group of people who have their own social groups. These social groups include the age, gender, class Etc. If I was going to make a film that was an action movie, it will be important to know which type of groups would be more than likely to watch it so you can proceed to do primary research with them to find out what they may want to see in an action film today. For the age range for action films it would be mainly aimed at people who are age 15 – to 55. The reason for this is because they would be old enough to understand and it would be able to keep up with the fast pace action. The majority who watch action films in the gender category are usually a male dominate audience because they prefer things with guns and explosions instead of very emotional romantic films like the female audience (no sexism intended).  For classes who watch action films, the majority is a C2DE audience watch is favourable considering it’s a mass audience. The reason why the majority is a C2DE audience is because it’s simpler and entertaining for them than a movie that would be more sophisticated and would require a lot of thought process which an ABC1 would prefer.

The reason why it's important to be able to identify my audience whether a percentage are a demographic audience or a psychographic, it will makes it easier to appeal to my audience because I will know what they would generally like to see in a film depending on the genre and it makes it a lot more time efficient as wouldn't have to make long lists of what my audience may be in to.

Discovering our audience


The way how we can discover our audience is by targeting the people who we think that are going to watch our film. What I mean by this is that if I was going to create an urban fast pace action film, I would first create a questionnaire for specifically young adults and adults (from an age range of 15 - 50).  The reason why I wouldn't interview people who are aged 14 and under is because they most likely will not understand what's going on inside the film and if they do, there could be a possibility where they could be influenced to perform or do some of the events in the film (in other words they aren't mature enough for the movie. For people over 50 it may be too fast pace for them to keep up with the storyline and won't have a much enjoyable experience watching it unlike a person  who is aged 15 -50 (this of course isn't a true fact for all cases it's just fitting for the majority). Another reason why I would target this audience is because it would be the most relatable for their age group of the sorts of things that may happen in the film. The type of questions I would ask them is stuff that would benefit us making the film such as question like "If what are the things that you don't like about an urban action film". A question like this is greatly beneficial for a film maker because it allows us to work around and take out a few of the factors in an urban action film that people dislike without removing the main conventions.


Primary and Secondary Audience Research


The difference between primary and secondary audience research is that primary audience research requires you to go out and gather the research yourself by either doing methods such as questionnaires, interviews, surveys Etc. Secondary audience research is information that has been written by someone else, usually when you are looking for secondary audience research you are looking for the general rules / conventions for an audience from a legitimate source. Why film makers choose to do both types of research is to first follow the general rules of how to satisfy an audience and also to avoid mistakes that other films makers had when they were creating films. Why they would also do primary research is to find out what their target audience would like to see in the genre choice and manipulate their plot slightly to make their film more unique and unexpecting  (this prevents the target audience that enjoy this genre to guess the narrative of the entire film in the first five minutes).