Tuesday 12 May 2015

Evaluation Question 3

What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?

I think the type of institution that would distribute our film is one that both supports and likes to educate young teen or a company that simply just likes to entertain an audience. One of our films subliminal messages is that no matter what is stolen even if its "drugs" it shouldn't be otherwise "Karma" will strike. One of our characters where shot and it seems like the other two got away with a clean slate however little did they know "Karma" will strike them as well because they stole someone's life away. (Unfortunately we were unable to film that because our assignment only requires the opening).

Evaluation Question 4

Who would be the media audience for your media product?

The audience that our video is aimed at age 15+, the gender is preferably male and the race & location is to everyone everywhere. The reason why this film is aimed to this age is because this is the age where some teens are actually introduced to smoking and drugs.

Hopefully all say no to these substances however there is a percentage of them that do fall in to taking these tragic roots. The reason why its preferably aimed at males is because there are elements of action inside the film not that females don't enjoy action films as much as men do however in theory there is a larger percentage of men that are more interested in to action films whilst there is a larger percentage of women that are least interested in action films and like to watch and enjoy romantic films.


Evaluation Question 5

How did you attract/ address your audience?

The way we address our audience was to just show them straight up what goes on in this environment. I think we did this well by doing a close up on one of our props where we have a Rastafarian smoking a so called "spliff". This was used to quickly establish that this is smoked regularly in this environment and I think the stereo typing helped to pursue this image.