Tuesday 10 February 2015

Sony Vegas Pro 12

Sony Vegas Pro 12

Sony Vegas Pro is a video editing program that allows you to manipulate, add or even modify things that happen in a clip. I used this software for my stop motion video because I use this almost every day to edit videos for both of my Youtube channels.

This is the Pan/Crop tool; on Sony Vegas every clip besides the audio has it. What this allows me to do is that is lets me shrink, grow, crop, position or even stretch the clip in channel. Why I am using this tool is because I want to get rid of the black borders on the left and right side of the clips. The easiest way I used to do this is that on the left of the video crop/pan window, there will be a box that says Maintain aspect ratio that has yes next to it.

I have also used the Pan/Crop tool to create my split screens. How I did this I shift held the clip so it will remain its natural aspect just from a smaller perspective and simply dragged it so it will fit in a corner of the screen (I did this with 2 clips in 2 different corners). I did animate this so the screen would resize itself to create a split screen while the film is playing. I made two video channels and put both clips in separate channels but in the same time period so they will both play at the same time. This animation method was also used on the zoom in clip.

Clip when it has zoomed in using Pan/Crop tool 

Clip when it hasn’t zoomed in using Pan/Crop tool