Wednesday 11 February 2015

Karma Script


Script for Karma

Kadeem – CJ

Sherron – Jermaine

Jake – Sam


Scene; CJ and Jermaine are walking to Sam’s house.

CJ: Yo, you sure your boy is cool with me coming along yeah?

Jermaine: Yeah yeah, don’t worry about it init, its cool bruv.

CJ: Ite.

CJ and Jermaine buzz for Sam’s apartment on the intercom. Sam answers.

Sam: Who is it?

Jermaine: Darg it’s me, Jermaine and my boy CJ.

Sam: What the fuck?! I thought it was just gonna be us!

Jermaine: It’s alright man, he’s my boy. You can trust him.

Sam (Reluctantly): Ite, come on up.

The door opens; CJ and Jermaine enter and go to Sam’s apartment. They reach Sam’s apartment and knock on the door. Sam opens the door.

Sam: Come on in then lads.

The three of them enter the main living room and sit on the sofa.

Jermaine: Sam, this is CJ. He’s been my boy from day init.

CJ: Wag1, you good?

Sam (Coldly): Yeah, I’m alright mate. 

CJ: I heard you got some of that good shit eh?

Sam: Maybe, maybe not. Sorry mate can’t be too trusting in this business, only just met you.

CJ: Nah don’t worry init, that’s true talk.

Jermaine (Awkwardly): Haha, well we gonna get waved or not then?! Let’s do this!

Sam (Laughing): Yeah. Let’s fucking do this.

Time passes; Jermaine and Sam are drinking and smoking, not paying much attention to CJ.

Jermaine: Yo Sam, I heard you got your hands on some of that white?

Sam: Yeah. Shifting the lot bit by bit. Making a shit load of money outta it!

Jermaine: Jheeeeeze.

As time passes Jermaine and Sam are becoming more and more unaware of their surroundings and the fact that CJ isn’t actually drinking or smoking and that he is just sitting there. Biding his time.

CJ: Yo Sam, you got a toilet?

Sam: Yeah...

CJ gets up to go to the toilet. Sam and Jermaine remain seated and continue in their activities.
CJ goes to Sam’s room and starts searching for the cocaine.

CJ: Fuck man where could he possibly keep it?

CJ looks underneath the bed and finds a shoebox. He opens it and discovers one of the bags of cocaine.

CJ: Bingo.

CJ returns to the main living room.

CJ (anxiously): Yo guys, I gotta cut yeah. We’ll meet up again soon init.

Sam (Watching CJ cautiously): Ite mate, see you soon init.

Jermaine gets up to say bye to CJ and shakes his hand.

Jermaine: Ite safe darg, holla me later init.

CJ: Yeah yeah, will do.

CJ leaves. As CJ is walking out, he takes out his phone and dials a number. The person on the other end answers.

Anonymous: Yo CJ, did you get it?

CJ: Not all of it, I managed to get a bag.

Anonymous: Fuck it, that’s good enough. We can still make a bit outta that.

CJ: Yeah, I’ll try to get some more somehow don’t worry init.

Anonymous: We’ll meet up tomorrow.

CJ: Ite, safe.

Meanwhile, CJ and Sam are still at Sam’s apartment when Sam gets a call.

Sam: Yo.

Client: Sam, I heard you got some of that white. Im throwing a party tomorrow, Im gonna need some.

Sam: You’re in luck. I got a bit left. How much do you want?

Client: About 2 keys if that’s cool?

Sam: Yeah, no worries. That’s fine. I’ll meet you tomorrow at the usual place yeah?

Client: Yeah that’s fine.

Sam: Ite cool.

Sam hangs up the phone.

Jermaine: Yo, how bout me and you take some of that?

Sam: Yeah, ite I’ve set some aside from the lot for personal use.

Jermaine: Haha man like Sam!

Sam leaves and goes to his room. He takes the shoebox out from under his bed, only to discover that someone has stolen the cocaine. Sam runs back to the main room.

Sam: Jermaine it’s fucking gone!

Jermaine: What do you mean?!

Sam: Someone fucking stole some of my coke!

The guys go quiet for a minute to think.

Jermaine: You don’t think CJ robbed it do you?

Sam: Fucking little cunt. It was him! He never went to the toilet. Think about it mate. The way he had to suddenly leave and all that. Fucking wanker!

Jermaine: Sam Im sorry I didn’t know.

Sam: It’s alright bro; we’ll catch the cunt tomorrow. He’s  

CJ: Yo, I’ll meet you at 12.

Anonymous: Alright, I’ll meet you at the usual place yeah?

CJ: Yeah that’s fine. I’m just walking home now. I gotta just quickly eat something then I’ll come and meet you with the stuff.

Anonymous: Alright, see you in a bit.

CJ: Safe.

As CJ approaches his house, he realises Sam and Jermaine are there. Waiting for him.

Sam: Thought you could steal from me yeah?

Jermaine: CJ I trusted you man.

CJ: Wait wait, it’s not what it looks like. I can explain!

Sam: Explain.

CJ turns, jumps on his skateboard and begins to flee.

Sam: Fuck! Get him!

Sam and Jermaine mount their bikes and begin to chase after him.
After a short chase, CJ turns into a dead end road. He is trapped.

Sam: End of the line man. You shouldn’t have stolen from me.

CJ: Please man, I have the stuff at my house, I’ll give it back. Please just let me go.

Sam pulls out a gun and points it at CJ.

CJ: Please, I’m begging you.

CJ puts his hands out pleadingly.

Jermaine slaps them away.

Jermaine: I trusted you bro.

Sam cocks the gun back.

Sam: Stole from the wrong guy man.

Sam shoots CJ.

Sam (Voiceover): I thought that was the end of it; but that was just the beginning.

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