Thursday 23 October 2014

The interview

Here is a shot of where we have one of our characters walking in to the building. In the editing process of this film I thought that it would be a good idea to start with a 1 second fade in. The reason for this transition is because I felt that it would be the best way to introduce the first character in to the film.

As the film carriers on through the sets of double doors there are a number of shots and angles used to make the audience feel that they are moving with the character as if they were actually there. One of the type’s shots taken was a mid shot with a low angle when the first character opens the first set of double doors. The reason for why we decided to use this shot is because we wanted our film to be kept as interesting as possible and we didn’t want our audience to film bored watching a clip where the camera is completely still filming one section for 10 seconds.

Another shot we used to keep the film as interesting as possible is having a close up on the handle of the second set of double doors where the first character then reaches for to open the doors. The reason for this also is to again make the audience feel like they are in film as well so we thought that we may have to film every action that happens as well as filming it in an interesting way.

As we move on to the scene where the first character is heading up the stairs, a still high angle was used to present this scene. We did this to show the amount of stairs the first character had to travel up to pre-hand.

I contradict myself by saying we didn’t want scenes where the camera is still for a matter of time, however through the editing process I had two different camera angles of this scene, unfortunately one had a continuity error where the double doors were both wide open where in the scene of the first character went through them they were closed.

In these two shots where both characters are walking in the hall way, the exact same shot was used to film their clip which was a high angle and long shot. The reason why we have used to same shot is to establish that they are both in the same places but just approaching from different locations.

In the editing process of this scene we I have used a cross-fade from one scene to another. I have done this because I felt like that it would be a good way to introduce the second character of the film and also to show what was going on while the first character was entering the building.

With the second character approaching the hall way, we have used several different shots and angles, this was to also keep the film as interesting as possible and it was also to show off what the characters costume looks like from many different shots and angles.

To introduce the characters meeting up in the hall way we have used a mid shot and mid angle to keep the audience levelled with the conversation and to make them feel like they are also a part of the conversation; we also did a close up on the characters hand shake to establish that they are friends.

During the conversation I have encoded a shot reverse shot throughout the conversation. The reason why I have done this with the clips that had an over shoulder shot was to show the reactions and emotions in the characters faces so the audience know how they are react to each other’s dialogue.

This shot contains a high angle of the conversation. The reason for why we chose to shoot the last few lines of the script at different locations is because we wanted to show off that this conversation was about to conclude, so we did that by moving further away from the characters.

We also had a scene where we had a low angle at the very end of the conversation where the two characters were leaving to show that the conversation has passed away; I have also used a fade to black transition because it was the most appropriate way to conclude the film.


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